
(An Affiliate of the Indian National Science Academy and The
International Organization for Medical Physics)
(Regd.No.42111976 GBBSD, Public Trust F 4239)
I. NAME: The name of the Association shall be Association of Medical Physicists of India, which may be referred to in an abbreviated form as AMPI, and is hereinafter designated as the Association. Top
II. ADDRESS: Its Registered Office shall be Clo. Radiological Physics & Advisory Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, CT&CRS Building, Anushaktinagar, Bombay-400 094. Top

III.OBJECTIVES: The main objectives of the Association are :Top

(i) To promote the advancement of physics as applied to medicine and the biological sciences.

(ii) To take appropriate steps to carry out, support, and to encourage research and development as well as teaching in various fields associated with the application of physics in medical sciences.Top

(iii) To provide a forum for persons who are engaged or interested in the field of medical physics and to arrange scientific meetings and discussions.

(iv) To initiate measures to effectively disseminate worldwide information in this field to all members of the Association.

(v) To promote the academic status of medical physics and its educational regulations in the medical institution where Medical Physics work is carried out in India and to
encourage appropriate authorities to implement the suggestions la id down by the Association.

The Association is a non-profit, non-trade, an all India organization primarily engaged in educational and research activities in the field of applications of Physics in Medical Sciences. Top

IV.MEMBERSHIP: The Association shall have the following classes of membership.
(1) Member,
(2) Life Member,
(3) Associate Member,
(4) Honorary Member,
(5) Institutional

1. Member shall be entitled to participate in the Annual General Body Meetings and Special General Body Meetings and shall have the right to vote and contest for an elective office of the Association. He/She shall be entitled to such ot her privileges defined by the General Body from time to time. Top

2. Life Member: (i) A person qualified to become a member may become the Life
Member by paying the prescribed fee for the Life Membership.

(ii) ‘Life Member’ shall be entitled in addition to the rights and privileges of a
member of the Association, those defined by the General Body from time to time.

3. Associate Member: (i) Associate member shall be a student of graduate, post-graduate or a certificate course of a University or institution in Radiotherapy Technology. Employed and part time students shall also be entitled for Associate membership. Associate membership may also be held by individuals who are interested in the applications of Physics to Medicine and who are ineligible for membership. Top

(ii) Associate Member shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of a member of the Association excepting the right to vote and hold an elective office of the Association.

4. Honorary Member: (i) Honorary member shall be a person of distinction who has
rendered outstanding service in the field of physics in medical sciences or to the society. This type of membership may be 6onferred by the General Body. For conferring such membership a proposal in writing shall be submitted by the Executive Committee to the General Body.

5. Institutional Member: Any Institution or organization, engaged in or promoting the
use of any branch of physics to medicine, is eligible to become an institutional member of the Association. The institution holding this class of membership is entitled ed to
depute one representative to participate in the Annual General Body Meetings and Special General Body Meetings. The representative to participate in the Annual General Body meetings and special General body meetings. The representative shall have th e right to vote but shall not hold an elective office of the Association. Representative
of the Institutional Member shall have the privilege to participate in all scientific programmes of the Association. Institutional Member shall have any other privileges as
defined by the General Body from time to time.

6.Membership Fee: All members of various categories shall pay to the Association the appropriate membership fee as fixed by the General Body from time to time.

7. All applications for membership of the Association shall be scrutinized by the Executive Committee to ensure that the conditions for membership are fulfilled. The Executive Committee shall have the power to refuse membership to any individual or institution without assigning reasons there for.


8. Any person or Institution desirous of becoming a member during any part of a year shall pay the subscription for the full year. The subsequent continuance of membership shall be governed by the normal rules of membership then in force.

9. A member who is in arrears of subscription to the Association shall forfeit all rights and privileges applying to the relevant category of membership so long as the dues to the Association are not paid in full.

10. The Executive Committee has the right to revoke the membership of any member who violate the rules and regulations of the Association and jeopardizes its objectives. Such revocation shall, however, be subject to endorsement by the General Body. Top


1 . The General Body shall consist of all the members of the Association. Each member
of the General Body shall have one vote.

2. The General Body shall control all funds, properties and activities of the Association. The General Body may delegate such of its powers and authority to the Executive Committee as it considers appropriate for the efficient administration of the affairs of the Association. Top

3. The President, or in his absence the Vice-President of the Association will preside over all meetings of the General Body and it shall be the duty of Secretary to circulate to all members an agenda which covers all business that is sought to be brought before the General Body at least one month prior to the convening of the General Body.

4. The General Body shall meet at least once a year within 90 days of the closing of accounts of the financial year to transact the following business: Top

(a) Examine and adopt reports and recommendations of the Executive Committee.

(b) Examine and adopt the audited accounts and balance sheet.

(c) Elect and install the New Executive Committee whenever applicable.

(d)Appoint the external auditor.


(e) Perform any other functions that may be required by the Constitution of the Association.

5. The quorum for a General Body Meeting shall be one-third of the total number of members or 50 whichever is less. If there is no quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned for at least 30 minutes and at the adjourned meeting the business of the original meeting shall be conducted and no quorum will be necessary.

6.A Special Body Meeting may be summoned on the request of either (a) The Executive Committee or (b) One-fifth of the number of members or 50 members of the Association whichever is less. In the latter case, the request must be made to the
secretary in writing, clearly stating the subject or subjects to be discussed and must be signed by the members making the request. Such a meeting must be convened by the Secretary within a month of the request reaching the Secretary. The Secretary, o n the basis of decisions of the Executive Committee, shall circulate to the members notice regarding the agenda, date, time and venue of such a meeting at least fifteen days in advance of the proposed date for such a meeting. This meeting shall restrict t o the specific purpose for which it is called.



1 .The Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee which shall be constituted thus:

(i) Fifteen (1 5) members elected by the General Body.

(jj) Presidents/Secretaries of various Chapters, 9 any.

(iii) From a Single City in India, there shall not be more than nine members, but not less than seven members.

2. The elected members of the Executive shall elect from amongst them, a President, a vice-president, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The elected executive committee shall co-opt another vice -President (Conference). This person shall be the Organizing Co
mmittee Chairman/Secretary of the forthcoming Conference.

3. A member having a minimum of three years of continuous membership or a life member with minimum three years standing in the Association may be duly proposed and seconded by two members for election to the post of an Executive committee member the candidate shall sign a declaration that he/she agrees to stand for the election.


The Secretary/Election Officer will circulate the names of the candidates standing for election and there will be a 15 days period within which withdrawal can be affected. The election will be by secret ballot when more than 15 nominations are received.

4. The term of office of the elected Executive Committee shall be two financial years. The term of office of co-opted members shall be till the date of completion of the Conference for which he/she is the Chairman/Secretary. No member will be eligible to be elected/co-opted to the Executive Committee for more than two consecutive terms.


5. A premature vacancy in the membership of the Executive Committee should be filled by co-option. Any such vacancy in the post of President, vice-president. Treasurer or Secretary shall be filled by duly elected member of the Executive Committee only.

6. The President of the Association shall preside over the Executive Committee meetings.

7. In the absence of the President, the vice-president shall preside over the Executive Committee Meetings. In the absence of the President and vice-president, the Executive Committee shall request one member to chair the meeting.


8. The quorum for the Executive Committee shall be five.

9. All decisions of the Executive Committee shall be taken by a majority of voting.

10. The executive function of the Association shall be performed by the Secretary of the Association in terms of any directives that may be issued to him by the Executive Committee.

11. The Executive Committee will authorize a panel consisting of the Treasurer and two other members of the Executive Committee to operate the funds. Any two members of the said panel shall be competent to prepare and submit to the Annu al General Body
Meeting, an Annul Report describing the activities of the Association during the year.


13. The Secretary shall ordinarily give 2 week’s notice to the members of the Executive Committee for convening a meeting and such notices shall contain a statement of the business to be transacted at the meeting.

14. The Treasurer shall receive subscription, fees, donations and other moneys of the Association and shall issue receipts in respect of each. The treasurer shall maintain the accounts of the Association in the proper form and shall be responsible for the preparation and submission to the General Body of an annual statement of accounts,
duly certified by the Auditor. He shall prepare budget estimates of income and expenditure for each year and submit it for approval of the Annual Genera l Body Meeting of the Association.


15. All offices of the Association are non-profit and voluntary. No office bearer or member of the Association shall receive any honorarium, remuneration, salary or any compensation for the service rendered to the Association.

Any office bearer or member of the Association will, however, be reimbursed the actual expenses, if any, incurred by him or her in course of carrying out the work approved by Executive Committee on behalf of the Association.

16. The members of the Executive Committee severally or individually shall not be held responsible personally for any consequences of the decisions taken by the Executive Committee in performing its functions and in particular for any debts the Association might incur.


The Executive Committee shall formulate a set of rules for the Association. All such rules shall be consistent with directives of general body and provisions of the constitution.


1.The activities of the Association shall be financed from the subscription money received from members. The Executive Committee may raise additional funds through publications or other activities and may also seek and accept financial support to the Association for organizing meeting, Symposia, Workshop , etc.

2. There shall be a Board of Trustees for the Association consisting of five members, all elected as trustees by the General Body. At least three out of these five must be life members. The trustees shall elect one of them as Chairman o f the Board of Trustees.


3. The Board of Trustees shall control all immovable property, the trust fund of the
Association as herein defined and any special fund created for specific activities of the

4.The term of the Board of Trustees shall be two years. Powers and functions of the Board of Trustees shall be as defined in the Bombay Public Trust Act,1960.

The Trust Fund shall consists Of –

a) all donations except those made for specific activities of the Association.

b) all subscriptions paid by members ( ‘ both individuals and institutions) on non-recurring basis.

c) Admission fees of members of all classes and


d) upto twenty five percent of the net income after the end of each financial year which shall be transferred to the Trust Fund.

6.During each financial year the Board of Trustees shall allocate towards expenditure by the Executive Committee, the income arising out of the investments of the Trust Fund.

7. The Executive Committee shall control the General Fund of the Association as herein defined.

8. The General Fund of the Association shall consist of

  • The balance in the General Fund from the previous years,

  • The subscriptions of members received on an annual basis,

  • All donations, grants, etc., made for specific activities of the Association,

d) the allocations made by the Board of Trustees out of the Trust Fund and.


e) Any earnings/profits made by the Association through publications, organisation of exhibitions, conferences and other related activities unless decided otherwise by the Organising Committee arranging these activities.

The Executive Committee shall sanction of a Scheduled Bank as approved by the Executive Committee.

11. The cash kept by the Treasurer should not exceed Rs.5001- and whenever possible cheques should be issued for payment.



1.The accounts of the Association shall be audited by a certified public auditor appointed by the General Body.

2.The financial year of the Association shall commence from lst April and end on 31st March of the following year.

3.An audited statement of the accounts of the Association for the year shall be presented by Treasurer to the General Body at the annual meeting.



1.Amendments to the Rules and Regulations may be proposed by either the Executive Committee or a written request bearing the signature of one third of the total
number of the members or 60 members of the Association whichever is less.

2. Any request for amendment of Rules and Regulations shall be submitted to the Secretary at least 2 months prior to the proposed date of General Body Meeting.


3. The Rules and Regulations may be amended by the affirmative vote of at least two third of those present and voting at the General Body Meeting.

4.Notwithstanding what is stated above, the name of the Association or its objectives can be changed only by following the provisions of Section 12 and 12A of the Societies Registration Act 1860.


1 .When there are more than 15 members having the right to vote in a geographical region, City or Town and a request is made by them to establish a local Chapter, the Executive Committee may accord sanction for the establishment of such Chapter in terms of a standard Character of agreement approved by the General Body. A local Chapter of the Association may be established by the procedure given below. A Chapter can be formed for closely lying Cities or Towns grouped together within well defined
geographical limits.


The procedure to form the Chapter will be as follows:

Members in the geographical region, City or Town proposed to be covered by the Chapter shall convene a meeting and adopt a resolution proposing the formation of Chapter. Such a resolution shall be signed by at least 15 members having the right to vote .

(b) The meeting shall elect an adhoc Chapter Committee, consisting of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.


(c) The adhoc Chapter Committee shall be petition for the formation of the Chapter to the Executive Committee.

(d) Executive Committee shall consider all the aspects essential to the welfare of the Association in evaluating the petition and may accord sanction for the establishment of the Chapter. Thereupon the Chapter adhoc committee should be replaced by an elected Chapter Committee consisting of a Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer and two other Committee Members,

(e) The Executive Committee shall give formal recognition to each Chapter in the forum of a standard Charter which shall contain the Chapter name, location, geographical area and the date on which the Chapter was granted, and shall bear the signature of the President and Secretary of the Association. The formation of the Chapter shall however, be got approved by the General Body during the subsequent General Body meeting. The Charter, inter-alia, shall ensure that the local Chapters fun ction as per the objectives, rules and regulations of the Association.


3. Each Chapter shall be managed by a Chapter Committee constituted by three office bearers and two other members all elected by a Chapter General Body. The Office bearers of the Chapter shall be a Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Only eligible members of the Association falling within the geographical limits of the Chapter shall be elected to the Chapter Committee.

4. The clauses 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 under Article VI, applicable for the Executive Committee of the Association are equally applicable to the Chapter Committee.

5. The Secretary of each Chapter shall forward to the Secretary of the Association periodic reports of the activities of the Chapter from time to time.


6. The approved statement of accounts of the Chapter shall be submitted to the Association at the end of the financial year of the Association.

7. The Chapter Committee shall deposit in the funds to the Association 10% of the Annual membership subscription collected from members covered by the Chapter.

8. The Chapter committee shall deposit in the Funds of the Association


(a) the entrance fee of all members

(b) the lump sum subscriptions/donations paid by members on a non-recurring basis

(c) five percent of the income from any other activity of the Chapter.

9.Fifty percent of any amount in the Fund of the Chapter at the end of the financial year shall be transferred to the Fund of the Association.


10.The Chapter may raise funds for its regular activities after informing Executive Committee and ensuring that there is No Objection from the Executive Committee.

11.The Executive Committee may suspend and/or initiate action for closing a Chapter after careful consideration and examination of the situation, if

(a)The Chapter Committee of the said Chapter adopts a resolution for closure of the Chapter and communicates to the Executive Committee.

(b) The Chapter fails to maintain at least 15 members of good standing


(c)The Executive Committee considers any activity of the Chapter detrimental to the interest of the Association. in such an event the Executive Committee shall give the Chapter at least three months notice and shall consider any explana tion the Chapter might have been asked to tender.

If the Chapter Committee objects to the closure, the Executive Committees shall bring the matter to the General Body for discussion.

However, the final closure of the Chapter shall be subject to the approval by the General Body of the Association.



1.A decision to dissolve the Association can be reached at any scheduled meeting of the General Body as per Sec. 13 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

2.The motion to dissolve the Association should have specific approval of two-thirds of the total membership of the Association. While deciding this, the views of each and every member will be obtained by postal correspondence or otherw ise.

3.If a dissolution of the Association has been approved as stated above, the residual funds of the Association after meeting the liabilities, shall not be distributed among the members but shall be utilized as per Sec. 14 of the Societi es Registration Act, 1860.
